We want to have a website that is a minimalist space – just like a gallery should not be more prominent than what it actually wants to showcase, this website will only feature the current exhibition and a list of links to previous exhibitors.

Art website under development. Showcasing works from Artist in Residence participants. Other artists can also apply for exhibitions.

The gallery has been developed by Fabel Sarepta in collaboration with Atelier Austmarka’s need to showcase more of the work being done during the artist residencies. It is funded through Atelier Austmarka’s application to the Arts Council in 2023, financial donations, and self-effort. No funds have been allocated for the operation of the website. Therefore, applicants must provide fully formatted files for the exhibition in the requested format

We will have this page with some information in the ‘About Us’ category, and we will have an adequate page directed towards the artists who can exhibit here.

No funds have been allocated for the operation of the website. Therefore, applicants must provide fully formatted files for the exhibition in the requested format

Velkommen til vår plattform, hvor vi presenterer utstillinger av kunstnere som har jobbet intensivt med å produsere unike kunstverk. Ved å abonnere på vår side, bidrar du til å synliggjøre norsk kunst globalt. Vi oppfordrer bedrifter, handelskamre og ambassader til å støtte denne innovative kunsten, og dermed fremme Norges kreative talenter på en internasjonal scene

Her vil vi så legge inn liste over de som har faste avteler om å støtte galleriet for visning av kunst tilknyttet internasjonale kunsteres arbeid i Norge eller Norske kunstere på Air program på atelier austmarka

om Ateier Austmarka

Ønsker du å støtte galleriets drift og synlighet så fløg linken .vi har flere metoder og plaseringer for aå syne bedriften, handelskammeret, ambasaden du representerer på utstillingene og på nettsidene våre.

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The project development has received support from Kongsvinger Municipality

The project development has received support from Innlandet County Municipality

The project development has received support from Directorate of Culture